At their February 2020 meeting, Council:
Participated in learning about:
- reading financial statements
- purpose and use of reserve funds
Had discussions about:
- trends in professional regulation
- professional liability insurance
- 2018-23 Strategic Plan
- Council performance goals
- learning from the recent Fair Registration Practices Act training
- Councillor Register of Interests
- revised Code of Ethics, effective with the launch of the new learning management system
- Dental Assisting Education Principles to support our program approval function
- using the balance of Louise Mabey Fund toward the inaugural “think tank” in September 2020
- circulating revised Bylaws for registrant comment
Made revisions to:
- Program Approval Policy PAP1 Approval of Programs, PAP2 Provisionally Approved Program Status, PAP3 Approved Program Status and PAP4 Removal of Program Status –removed procedural information from the policies for inclusion in a future procedural document
- Governance Policy GP5 Council/Third party Relationships – added new relationships to the policy
- Waqar Ahmed, registration number 12918, to the Finance, Risk Management and Audit Committee
- Twila Dary, registration number 3371, to the Finance, Risk Management and Audit Committee
Reappointed Jennifer Tewes, Registrar, as the College’s Representative to the National Dental Assisting Examining Board