Council Activities, September 2023 Update

September 26, 2023

Since our last update on Council activities, Council held two special meetings and their regular meeting in September. Council’s activities usually take place during their regular meetings, which they schedule in advance. However, sometimes they need to take make decisions between regular meetings. Often, it is to meet external deadlines.

These are Council’s activities since our last update:


  • Audited Financial Statements for the year ending May 31, 2023

The Audited Financial Statements are included in the 2022-23 Annual Report.

  • the 2024-25 Council Calendar

The Council Calendar sets dates for the regularly scheduled Council meetings.



  • proposed Standards of Practice to address female genital mutilation (FGM) to be effective May 31, 2023

We needed to add criteria to address FGM to our Standards of Practice in response to the Health Professions (Protecting Women and Girls) Amendment Act, 2022 (formerly Bill 10). We circulated draft criteria for comment, considered the feedback we received and approved the proposed Standards without any changes.

We heard from the responses that the draft criteria were easy to understand. However, people were wondering why we were addressing FGM. We explain why in this post.

  • the 2022-23 Annual Report

Our Annual Report for June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023, keeps Albertans, the Alberta Government, dental assistants and our other communities informed about the work we do to protect and serve the public interest.

  • upgrading the University of Alberta Dental Assisting Certificate Program approval status to Provisionally Approved without Conditions

Council had previously granted the program Provisionally Approved with Conditions status, subject to consulting the Minister of Health and the Minister of Enterprise and Advanced Education and considering their comments. The conditions have been met and Council has removed them from the program’s approval status.

Bylaw 4 deals with Council members ceasing to hold office. The change is to add that if a regulated member of Council misses three Council meetings in a year, they automatically cease to be a Council member. Though this is currently addressed in policy, we are moving it into the Bylaws.

Culturally safe practice supports better patient outcomes. Adding criteria to Standard of Practice 3 will provide clearer expectations for dental assistants about cultural safety and humility in their practice.

  • terms of reference for the Appeals Committee

If we receive a request to appeal a decision related to professional conduct or registration, a panel of Council will hear the appeal. The terms of reference create clarity and consistency by setting out the structure, purpose, eligibility and term for the Appeals Committee.

  • changes to Governance Policies, including:

Remove all references to Annual General Meeting throughout the Policies. Clarify wording by changing “councillor” to “council member” where needed.

GP1.1 Council Powers – To align with the proposed change to Bylaw 4, clarify that Council members are expected to attend all Council meetings.

GP2.5 Council Performance Review – Add informal review of Council’s and the Registrar’s performance at an in-camera session at the end of each Council meeting.

GP3.1 Council Meetings – Adjust wording about Council members being absent from Council meetings to align with proposed Bylaw 4. Update Request to Attend section as log in is no longer needed to submit a request, and to clarify that requests must be made at least 15 business days before the meeting. Adjust wording of in-camera meetings to clarify purpose of and procedure for in-camera. Add Council and Registrar performance, succession planning, financial matters, risk management and third-party reports to topics that may be discussed in camera.

GP4.2 Statutory/Regulatory and Governance Committees – Adjust wording to reflect that governance committees will typically be populated by mostly Council members. This reflects that Council members have the most knowledge of the work Council is doing and are best able to keep the committees working effectively in support of Council.

GP4.6.1 Appeals Committee Terms of Reference – Add the new Terms of Reference for the Appeals Committee.

GP4.7 Governance and Nominations Committee Terms of Reference – Remove all reference to Council nominations and election, and change committee name to Governance Committee. This aligns with our move from electing to appointing regulated members to Council. Add responsibility for developing and implementing process for Council and Registrar performance review. Adjust structure wording to reflect majority of committee members to be Council members.

GP4.8 Council Governance Committees – Adjust structure wording to reflect majority of committee members to be Council members.

GP4.8 Registrar Performance Management Committee – Remove this committee. The responsibilities are now part of the Governance Committee’s role.

GP6.1 Council/Registrar Relationship – Add wording to clarify that Council evaluates and provides meaningful feedback about the Registrar’s performance.

GP7.1 Finance – Remove specialty intra-oral modules from examples of items funds must be available for. We are no longer responsible for this.

A.GP1.1 The Striking of a Panel of Council to Hear Appeals and Reviews – Remove this appendix as Bylaw 25 and the new Appeals Committee Terms of Reference replace it.

A.GP1.3 Officers of Council Position Descriptions – Remove participating on the Registrar Performance Management Committee from the Vice-Chair Governance and Regulation Position Description.

A.GP6.1 Registrar Position Description – Adjust wording to align with the new Registrar performance assessment steps and tools.

AGP7.1B Reserve Funds Policy – Remove requirement for an Officer of Council to sign cheques over $2,500.00. This aligns with Council’s policy that enables staff to administer funds within the budgeted items Council has approved.

  • the May 27, 2023, and August 24, 2023, meeting minutes
  • the recommendations from the Registrar Performance Management Review

The recommendations include adding Chief Executive Officer to the Registrar’s title, an updated salary scale for the role, adjusting the Registrar’s salary based on the new scale, and a new registrar performance management process.


  • Administration to use up to $80,000.00 from the Evaluation and Innovation Fund for the Communications Program Review

To help us meet goals in our Strategic Plan, we will have an external evaluator review our Communications Program. We plan to measure our current activities, identify what’s working well and explore ways we can improve. Communication is integral to being an effective regulator. It is how we tell our communities who we are, what we expect and what they can expect.


  • measuring progress on achieving the Strategic Plan
  • trends that may impact the College
  • results of a third-party review of current registrar performance management program

Participated in

  • setting strategic planning measurements
  • a review of our role in program approval
  • a blanket exercise about colonization in Canada


  • the consent agenda items for filing

These items include a summary of assigned tasks and Council motions; financial statements; information update from Administration; committee meeting notes; IT reporting.

Current date: March 4, 2025

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