Help is Available for Dental Staff
Even if you have been temporarily laid off you can access support through the ADA&C MAP.
Even if you have been temporarily laid off you can access support through the ADA&C MAP.
Update: The ADA&C has suspended all non-emergency dental treatment and services, and has provided Guidelines on Emergency Treatment.
PDC attendees are being asked to self-isolate until March 22, 2020.
Access links to the most up-to-date COVID-19 resources.
We invite you to review our proposed Bylaw changes and send us your comments by April 9, 2020.
If you recently became a dental assistant, or reinstated your permit, you must pass the Patient Relations Learning Module Final Exam.
Updated Reusable & Single-Use Medical Devices Standards are now available.
We’re proud and excited to introduce our new brand and tell you about it!
Attend this free information session to learn about Audit and the Competence Program.
Dental assistants do not have the necessary education, training and experience to discuss vaccination with patients.