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Therapy & Counselling Funding
There are a variety of situations in which you may be eligible for funding for counselling or therapy. In fact, filing a complaint with us and alleging that a Dental Assistant has committed sexual abuse or sexual misconduct while you were a patient is one of the eligibility criteria for receiving funding. Call us at 780-486-2526 for details.
You can access treatment and counselling as soon as you file a complaint. There does not have to be a finding of guilt.
We pay for the treatment and counselling but it is administered by a third party. We do not receive information about the treatment and counselling.
Overview of Funds
- A patient may access funds for up to five years or until the maximum amount of funding has been provided, whichever occurs first.
- Funds cease if the complaint is dismissed.
- The patient may choose any regulated health professional to provide treatment or counselling, subject to the following restrictions:
- the regulated member does not have a conflict of interest (i.e., not a family member)
- the regulated member is in good standing with their regulatory college
- Funding can only be used to cover the cost of treatment or counselling.
- The maximum amount of funding available to a patient is $22,000.
- A complaint is made respecting a dental assistant that meets the definition of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct.
- The individual is a patient as defined by the Standards of Practice.
To Apply
The third-party we use to administer the fund also offers treatment and counselling services, or they will manage payment to a qualified provider of your choice.
To apply for funding contact the Complaints Director at 780-486-2526
Other Treatment and Counselling Services
There may be other community resources you can access. Contact the Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services for services in your area.
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Complaints & Concerns
If you have concerns about a dental assistant’s service or conduct, we are here to help.