Survey About Our Competence Program

October 10, 2023

To help make it more effective, we are doing an in-depth review of the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) for dental assistants. We are looking for input from people who are or may be impacted by dental assistant practice. In particular:

  • Albertans who have or may receive care from dental assistants
  • caregivers and guardians of Albertans who have or may receive care from dental assistants
  • employers of dental assistants
  • dental office managers

Your feedback is very important. We invite you to share your input through our quick, 2-to-5-minute survey. The survey is available until October 22, 2023.

Goals of the CCP Review

Collecting input is essential to help us reach our goals:

  • making the CCP more user-friendly for dental assistants and more manageable for us
  • helping dental assistants with clear ways to advance their practice with the CCP
  • making the CCP more measurable for dental assistants and for us

These goals will enhance the CCP, which will improve dental assistants’ participation and outcomes. It all contributes to better experiences for patients.

Dental Assistant Input

Dental assistants, we also want to hear from you about your experience with completing CCP requirements. If you haven’t already shared your experience during our CCP Focus Groups in September and October, we invite you to give your input by using our survey. It will only take 7 to 9 minutes of your time. Your link to the survey for dental assistants is in the email we sent you on October 11, 2023.

Current date: March 3, 2025

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