September 2021 Council Meeting Activities

September 23, 2021

At their September 2021 meeting, Council:

Participated in learning about:

  • governance development
  • performance management

Had discussions about:

  • Councillor Appointment vs. Election
  • Environmental Trends
  • 2018-23 Strategic Plan

Called for letters of intent for Officer Positions. Officer Positions include President, Vice-President and Treasurer. Officers are elected by Council from among the Members of Council and serve a one-year term. The election of Officers will occur at the November 2021 Council meeting.


  • the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended May 31, 2021
  • the 2021-23 Human Resources Strategic Plan


  • Susan Nicoll, registration number 1940, and Caitlin Asel, registration number 13603, to the Hearing Tribunal/Complaint Review Committee Roster
  • Mahon and Associates as the auditors for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2022
  • via May 17, 2021 electronic vote, Arlene Baker, registration number 988, Amanda Clarke, registration number 7691, and Bryana Good, registration number 11749, to the Hearing Tribunal/Complaint Review Committee Roster


  • granting Provisionally Approved program approval status to the NAIT Dental Assisting Certificate Program

Provisionally Approved status is granted subject to Council consultation with the Minister of Health and the Minister of Enterprise and Advanced Education. The Program must also pursue accreditation through the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada.

  • revisions to Governance Policy GP7.1 Finance, effective September 18, 2021

The change to GP7.1 is removal of the reference to College Expense Guidelines generally reflecting Provincial Government guidelines. The Government recently changed its meal allowance to a limited stipend. If we were to follow this same structure, our volunteers could potentially be out-of-pocket for meals while on College business, which is not our desired outcome.

  • the draft 2020-21 Annual Report

The 2020-21 Annual Report includes the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended May 31, 2021.

  • transferring funds from unrestricted surplus to internally restricted funds

The transfers include: $250,000 to the Operations Fund, $144,000 to the Information Technology Fund, $55,000 to the Discipline Fund. These transfers bring each restricted fund to or near their maximum as defined in policy.

  • the proposed Registration Policy for Professional Liability Insurance

This new Policy formalizes the College’s practices in support of the professional liability insurance requirement in Section 9 of the Dental Assistants Profession Regulation and provides easy access to this information.


  • the Provisionally Approved with Conditions program approval status of the Columbia College Dental Assisting Distance Delivery Program

The Program did not meet all of the Conditions within the allowed timeframe.

  • the May 6, 2020, electronic vote to approve the “Covid-19 Return to Non-Essential Practice Guidelines” and the July 9, 2020, electronic vote to approve the common “Dental Practice Guidelines during the Covid-19 Pandemic”

Both of these Practice Guidelines have been replaced by the Key Considerations for Dental Practice Moving Forward During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Retiring the Practice Guidelines provides clarity to registrants that the Key Considerations are the current best practice.


  • the Governance and Nominations Committee with exploring merit-based regulated member councillor appointments and present recommendations to council
  • the Finance, Risk Management and Audit Committee with reviewing the Auditor’s recommendation about Spending Approvals and proposing any policy revisions to the Governance and Nominations Committee for consideration

Current date: July 26, 2024

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