Revised Bylaws Approved

June 28, 2020

Earlier this year we circulated the proposed Bylaw changes for you to comment on. Thank you for reviewing them. We received two comments, both supported the changes. Council approved the Bylaw changes at their recent meeting.

Read the updated Bylaws.

Summary of Changes


  • clarify wording to reflect that notice of amendments to Regulated Members will include information about accessing the proposed changes


  • adjust how time is represented for clarity


  • add chairing the Registrar Performance Management Committee


  • add “Hearings” to the name of section 8
  • remove disclosure and release of Members’ information subject to legislation and policy
  • remove publish decisions under Part 4 of the Health Professions Act as directed by the Hearing Tribunal or Complaint Review Committee
  • add College will publish Notices of Hearings and Notices of Appeals and that the investigated member will be named in the publication
  • add College will publish, for five years/as directed by the Hearing Tribunal/as required by the Act, Hearing Tribunal decisions, Council appeal decisions, Court of Appeal decisions and agreements and undertakings and that the investigated member will be named in the publication
  • add College will publish information as directed by a Hearing Tribunal, the Council on an appeal or the Court of Appeal


  • remove Leave of Absence from “Registers for Categories of Other Members” – a leave of absence member does not have a current practice permit, however, they are still on the General Register, therefore, they remain regulated members
  • remove Honorary Lifetime from “Registers for Categories of Other Members” – Council discontinued this membership category
  • add that Membership as an Other Member may be cancelled at the member’s request
  • remove that a regulated member must have a valid Practice Permit to be in good standing – leave of absence are regulated members but do not have valid practice permits


  • adjust wording to clarify when a renewal application is due
  • add that a penalty may be assessed to renewal applications received after the deadline

Current date: October 21, 2024

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