Return to Work Guidelines

May 8, 2020

Update on Masks

The kinds of masks dentists may use in Alberta have expanded because of a May 3, 2020 Order from the Alberta Minister of Labour and Immigration (MO Order 2020-2021). Review the ADA&C’s COVID-19 Info for a list of the masks that may be used.

Return to Non-essential Practice Guidelines

Whether you are returning to practice or have already been assisting with emergency and urgent treatment, you must familiarize yourself with our Guidelines for Return to Non-essential Practice and apply them to your practice.

We will be updating the Guidelines to adapt to the changing COVID-19 situation and Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy. When we make changes, we will post updates and notify dental assistants. You must keep yourself informed about changes to the Guidelines and practice accordingly.

The move to providing routine oral health care services may occur as early as May 14, 2020, and is subject to the orders of Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and Stage 1 of the Alberta Relaunch Strategy.

Emergency and Urgent Treatment Only

As of May 4, and until further notice, dental assistants may only provide dental assisting services as part of emergency and urgent treatment according to the ADA&C’s Guidelines on Emergency and Urgent Treatment.

Update for Dental Assistants Practicing in Lloydminster

The Government of Saskatchewan announced the City of Lloydminster can begin implementing the Re-open Saskatchewan Plan at the local level beginning Monday, May 11, 2020.

However, all Alberta dental assistants working on the Alberta side of Lloydminster are regulated by our College and the Health Professions Act and must continue to follow our direction about which services may be provided now and in the future. This includes the direction that only emergency and urgent services may be provided in Alberta until further notice.

PPE and Grey Market Products

We are aware of your concerns about shortages and the difficulty dental offices are having obtaining PPE. The ADA&C is actively working with both Alberta Health Services and dental suppliers on the issues of PPE.

As always, it is critical that PPE be Dental Industry Association of Canada (DIAC) compliant. To be compliant, a product must have a Health Canada product license and be sold by a dealer with a Health Canada establishment license. Use the DIAC checklist to help avoid using noncompliant (grey market) products.

DIAC Checklist

  • Is it the same product that you ordered?
  • Does it have the same name as advertised?
  • Does it have the same product number?
  • Are the contents the same as advertised? (quantity, shapes, sizes, colors, etc.)
  • Is the package in English and French?
  • Have any markings been scratched out?
  • Is the product in its original package? (or a zip lock bag or other substitute container)
  • Do the lot number and expiry date on the package match those on the container?
  • Does the package or contents have markings that indicate it may have been rerouted? (e.g. “Not for sale in North America”)
  • Is equipment CSA approved or equivalent?

Current date: March 9, 2025

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