Proposed Bylaws November 2022

November 9, 2022

We Need Your Feedback

Council approved circulating draft Bylaws for you to review. For reference, you can see our current Bylaws here.

Please use our feedback form to give us your feedback by December 11, 2022.

We will consider your feedback and, as appropriate, may recommend adjustments to Council.

About the New Bylaws

Bill 46, the Health Statutes Amendment Act 2020, is changing the Health Professions Act (HPA) and Dental Assistants Profession Regulation (the Regulation). Those changes also require that we move or add specific information to our Standards of Practice and Bylaws. To meet the needs of Bill 46 and current best practices in governance, we are updating and rearranging most of our Bylaws. Our draft is a new set of Bylaws to replace the existing ones.

Though we included most of our current Bylaws in the draft, they may be in different places or reworded. These are highlights of what’s new in the draft Bylaws:

Registration Requirements

The requirements to register as a dental assistant are moving out of the Regulation and into the HPA and our Bylaws. The HPA will list general requirements that apply to all regulated health professions. We are adding details for these general requirements to our Bylaws:

Registration Requirement in the HPA

Details in Our Bylaws

evidence of good character and reputation detail about what we require for evidence
professional liability insurance type and amount of insurance regulated members must have
collection of information about regulated members what information about regulated members we require, and what we release and how

Wording for Council Roles

To continue with moving away from association-related activities and wording, we are changing the titles of these Council roles:

Current Title

Title in New Bylaws

President Chair
Vice-President Vice-Chair Governance and Regulation
Treasurer Vice-Chair Finance and Risk Management

Added to the New Bylaws

New Content


Complaints about Council Members
  • outline of steps to follow if we receive a complaint
Registration Committee
  • structure and function
  • details like role and eligibility are in Governance Policies (in the committee’s Terms of Reference)
Language Proficiency
  • language proficiency is a public safety measure
  • describes who must prove they are proficient and when
  • details will be in policy
Equivalent Jurisdictions
  • we accept registration in the listed jurisdictions for registration with us through labour mobility
Competence Committee
  • structure and function
  • details like role and eligibility are in Governance Policies (in the committee’s Terms of Reference)
Membership List
Complaint Review Committee
Hearing Tribunal
  • structure and function
  • details like role and eligibility are in Governance Policies (in the Complaint Review Committee and Hearing Tribunal Terms of Reference)
Appeals Committee (Council)
  • structure, function, role and eligibility
Designations by Council under Sections 65 and 86 of the Act
  • names who is designated to make decisions under the HPA, s65(1) Conditions, suspension during proceedings, and s86(1) Stay pending appeal
Forms and Documents
  • the Registrar may make, use and issue forms and documents to carry out regulatory functions
Reimbursement of Expenses
  • describes who we will reimburse for expenses or pay honoraria to, and when
  • details are in Governance Policies

Why are we making these changes?

The Alberta Government plans to have some of the Bill 46 changes in place by December 31, 2022. We need to ensure:

  • we maintain the requirements that are moving out of our Regulation by having them somewhere else
  • we define how we will address the requirements in the HPA

Our new Bylaws are one way we will do that.

Your Opinion Matters

Any changes to the Bylaws may impact the governance and operations of our College. Your input on the draft Bylaws is important to us. We want to understand your point of view on our proposed changes.

Provide Feedback button

After Council considers feedback from stakeholders, makes any adjustments to the draft and approves the Bylaws, we will post them on our website. We will also let all dental assistants know by email.

Current date: March 9, 2025

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