2025 Permit Renewal Coming Soon

August 29, 2024

Dental assistants who want to work in Alberta need a valid practice permit. Current practice permits expire on November 30, 2024.

Renewal Opens in October

Beginning October 15th, dental assistants can apply to renew their practice permits for December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025.

When the renewal application is available in our registrant Portal, we send renewal notices to all dental assistants by email. They must complete their renewal application by November 30, 2024.

Requirements to Renew

An illustration showing the permit renewal requirements for dental assistants. They include professional liability insurance, practice hours, patient relations learning, completing competence requirements, updating personal and employment information, and paying fees. They must renew by November 30, 2024.

To be eligible to renew their permit, dental assistants must:

  • have Professional Liability Insurance for the 2024-25 permit year
  • complete Patient Relations learning
  • meet current practice requirements (practice hours or equivalent)
  • complete Continuing Competence Program requirements
  • update personal and employment information
  • pay the $225.00 renewal fee

For details about the requirements, review Renewing Your Dental Assisting Permit.

Dental assistants, get ready for renewal by following the 2024 Renewal Checklist.

Missing the Deadline

An abstract calendar showing the date as November 30th and the words Renewal Deadline. The abstract calendar is in the College’s colours: dark grey, bright blue, bright green and white. It is set on a background of a light grey circle.Dental assistants who do not submit a renewal form or cancellation request by November 30, 2024, will have their registration suspended. Anyone with suspended registration is not allowed to practice dental assisting. They must reinstate before returning to practice.

Reminder About Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence is a non-practicing status and is being discontinued. This is the last year that current Leave of Absence registrants may renew their non-practicing status. The renewal deadline is November 30, 2024.

We are no longer accepting new requests to transfer to non-practicing status. As of December 1, 2025, Leave of Absence status will no longer be available. Learn more.

Current date: September 16, 2024

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