Apply to Join a Committee

Eligibility for Committees

To ensure our committees are well-rounded, we encourage people with diverse backgrounds and a variety of competencies to apply. For more information, review our list of attributes, competencies and experiences. Additionally, each committee has competencies that are important for the work it does. You will find them by visiting the “Learn More” links in the committee list below.

Generally, Council may appoint Regulated Members, Other Members (non-regulated) and non-members to committees. These considerations also apply:

  • Regulated Members and Other Members must be in Good Standing
  • only Regulated Members are eligible to be appointed to our Hearing Tribunal and Complaint Review Committee Roster (HPA s.15[2])
  • anyone who is an officer, director, executive member or similar position in a professional association, union or bargaining unit that represents dental assistants is not eligible to be appointed to our Statutory/Regulatory Committees (HPA s.5.1[1])
  • current members of Council are not eligible to be appointed to Statutory/Regulatory Committees (except for the Appeals Committee of Council) because the decisions of these committees may be appealed to Council
  • when the role of chair doesn’t have to be filled by someone in a certain position, Council will appoint a Chair for each Committee from the members of each Committee

Applying for Committees

We typically accept applications in the fall. This allows Council time to review and make appointments in time for the December 1st term start. However, we may accept applications at any time if a committee needs members.

When there is a position available on a committee, you will find instructions and an application form in the committee’s “To Apply” information.

Statutory/Regulatory Committees

CommitteeActivities IncludeTo Apply
Appeals Committee of Council
Learn More
• review competence and registration decisions when requested by the registrant or applicant
• hear appeals of hearing tribunal decisions when requested by the Investigated Person or Complaints Director

The Appeals Committee make decisions as authorized in the Health Professions Act.
This committee is struck as needed and populated from a roster of public and regulated Council members.
Competence Committee
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• review and recommend Continuing Competence Program policies and procedures

This committee makes decisions regarding Continuing Competence Program audit submissions.
• review general competencies (competencies specific to this committee are listed in the application form)
• complete the Competence Committee Application Form
• complete the Declaration of Conflict of Interest
• submit your completed forms and your resume (including work experience, formal education, and volunteer experiences) to
Hearing Tribunal and Complaint Review Committee Roster
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Hearing Tribunals (HT) and Complaint Review Committees (CRC) are struck as needed from this roster.

• review the proposed settlement when a complaint is being settled through an Alternative Complaint Resolution process
• review the decision to dismiss when a complainant requests a review of the Complaints Director’s decision to dismiss a complaint
• conduct a hearing regarding the allegations in a complaint when the complaint is referred to a hearing

HTs and CRCs make decisions as authorized in the Health Professions Act.
When there are positions available on the Roster, you will find an application form here.
Registration Committee
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• review and recommend Registration Policies
• review registration applications
• participate in registration assessment training

This committee makes decisions regarding registration applications and referrals to the Expert Review Panel.
• review general competencies (competencies specific to this committee are listed in the application form)
• complete the Registration Committee Application Form
• complete the Declaration of Conflict of Interest
• submit your completed forms and your resume (including work experience, formal education, and volunteer experiences) to

Governance Committees

CommitteeActivities IncludeTo Apply
Appointment Committee
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• review council candidate applications
• interview candidates
• recommend candidates to Council for appointment
This committee is only active during Council Appointments. When we are accepting applications for this committee, you will find an application form here.
Finance, Risk Management and Audit Committee
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• review financial statements
• recommend policy
• discuss and recommend budget
• meet with auditors to review and recommend audited financial statements to Council
This committee is populated from within Council. The committee consists of the Vice-Chair Finance and Risk Management (serves as committee chair), and at least two other Council members.
Governance Committee
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• review governing documents to ensure compliance, consistency, best practices, effectiveness and efficiency across all documents and their implementation
• recommend policy
• recruit and recommend qualified dental assistants and others to serve on committees
• develop and implement processes for Council performance review, and Registrar & CEO performance and compensation review
• participate in governance training initiatives
This committee is populated from within Council. The committee consists of the Vice-Chair Governance and Regulation (serves as committee chair), and at least two other Council members.
Program Approval Committee
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• review and recommend dental assisting education principles and program approval policies and procedures
• review dental assisting education program and course approval applications, and program and course change applications
• monitor existing programs and courses for compliance with the dental assisting education principles and program approval policies
• recommend approval of or removing approval of programs and courses
• review general competencies (competencies specific to this committee are listed in the application form)
• complete the Program Approval Committee Application Form
• complete the Declaration of Conflict of Interest
• submit your completed forms and your resume (including work experience, formal education, and volunteer experiences) to

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