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College Connect
Town Hall Sessions
Get all the latest College news at our virtual, town-hall style sessions. Join us online to learn more and ask questions.
September College Connect
Thursday, September 26th at 5:30 PM
Renewals for 2025
Luanne Menard, Regulatory Compliance Advisor at our College, will update us about what dental assistants can expect when they renew their Practice Permits for the upcoming year.
Understanding Professional Liability Insurance Coverage
We’ve invited Zachary Cranny to discuss what is involved in Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) coverage. Zachary is from ProLink, the insurance company many dental assistants use for their PLI.
New CCP Prompts in the CADA Portal
We’ve added prompts to guide dental assistants as they enter their learning records in our registrant Portal. Jill Bateman, our Competence & Registration Manager, will take us through the changes.
Competency Profile Review and Focus Groups
Theresa Bateman with Callidus Arte Solutions will join us to talk about the Competency Profile Review and the focus groups she will be hosting to gather dental assistants’ input. Callidus Arte Solutions is conducting the review of our Competency Profile.
What’s new?
To keep you up to date on our activities, Jennifer Tewes, Registrar & CEO, will also share what’s been happening at the College and what it means for the dental assisting profession.
We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule a College Connect
Each College Connect will be about different topics, based on what’s important and timely. We’re using a town hall approach so we can share information, get your feedback and answer your questions about things like:
- what’s new (for example, legislative changes, council decisions)
- rules and requirements for dental assistants, and how to meet them
- being a regulated health professional
- the College’s role and Council’s role
These sessions are a great opportunity for you to learn more about upcoming changes and what’s happening that impacts dental assisting practice. The sessions will be hosted by special guests, members of our Council and staff who are looking forward to connecting with you.
In Case You Missed It
If you missed College Connect, you can watch this recording of our most recent session. You can also review the slides from our past sessions.
November 2023 Slides
How the Code of Ethics relates to dental assistant practice, common renewal questions and answers, and recent Council decisions.
September 2023 Slides
What to expect for renewals this year. Plus, you can get updated about what’s been happening and how it impacts our profession.
May 2023 Slides
Recent changes in legislation, authorized practice for dental assistants, learning from the 2023 CCP Audit
March 2023 Slides
Recap of Recent Changes including: Bylaws, Standards of Practice, Reporting, Competence Program Manual
Find a Dental Assistant
Use our Registry to check the status of a dental assistant’s Practice Permit.
Complaints & Concerns
If you have concerns about a dental assistant’s service or conduct, we are here to help.