Reinstate Your Dental Assisting Permit

Last updated: July 5, 2024

If your Practice Permit is suspended, you must reinstate your Permit before returning to practice.

If you don’t know the status of your Permit, check our Registry.


Requirements to Reinstate your Suspended Practice Permit*

  1. complete a minimum of two learning objectives within the last 365 days
  2. demonstrate current practice by having:
    • graduated from a dental education program within the last three years, or
    • at least 300 dental assistant practice hours that are no more than three years old when you apply to reinstate, or
    • completed a Clinical Refresher Course or the NDAEB clinical practice evaluation within the last three years, or
    • other qualifications that show your practice is current (substantial equivalence), such as current practice rights as a dental assistant or other dental professional in a regulated province
  3. provide your Professional Liability Insurance certificate, learn more here
  4. pay these fees:
    • Application Assessment Fee $105.00
    • Annual Registration Fee $225.00 (pro-rated to $112.50 between June 1st and November 30th)

When you are ready to apply, follow our Guide for Reinstatement. It has step-by-step instructions for accessing and using our online application in our Portal.

* For full details check RP5 Reinstatement in our Registration Policies. This information is a summary of parts of our Registration Policies. If there is any conflict, real or perceived, between this information and the Policies, the Policies take precedence. We may update our Policies without notice.