May 2023 Council Meeting Activities

May 27, 2023

At their May 2023 meeting, Council:



  • a new expense policy as GP7.1.1 of the Governance Policies
  • changes to Governance Policies, including:

Minor wording changes throughout the Governance Policies to make them easier to understand but maintain the intent.

GP1.1 Council Powers – Change wording from election to appointment of regulated member councillors to be consistent with our change to appointing councillors. Remove association-type activities as part of meeting the Alberta Government’s vision of regulatory excellence.

GP1.3 Council Structure – Remove “Annual General Meeting, Special Meetings” as examples of meetings as we no longer have those kinds of meetings. Change wording to allow any member of Council to be eligible for officer positions.

GP2.1 Fiduciary Duty – Change wording from “dental” to “oral health.”

GP2.3 Code of Conduct – Change Conflict of Interest section to include conflict other than financial benefit. Replace Egregious Acts section with Complaints About Council Members to be consistent with our Bylaws.

GP2.4 Strategic Plan – Add that Administration sets and carries out activities to achieve the goals in the Strategic Plan.

GP3.2 Council Application and Appointment – Add that interview candidates will be asked to complete governance learning before their interviews.

GP3.4 Rebalancing Council Terms – Clarify that rebalancing allows for continuity of experienced councillors if several councillors’ terms would otherwise end at the same time.

GP4.4 Competence Committee Terms of Reference – Remove Infection Prevention and Control projects and Occupational Health and Safety projects from the committee’s purpose. Those specific projects are no longer part of what we do.

GP4.7 Governance and Nominations Committee Terms of Reference – Remove recruiting for Council and managing Council elections from the committee’s purpose to be consistent with our change to Council appointments. Remove Council professional development and performance review from the committee’s purpose as the committee is no longer mostly Council members. They will become part of the Chair’s role.

GP4.8 Finance, Risk Management and Audit Committee Terms of Reference – Remove review insurance policies and requirements from the committee’s purpose. The committee isn’t expected to have the expertise necessary for an effective review. Insurance coverage will become part of our Risk Management Framework.

GP4.10 Program Approval Committee Terms of Reference – Add restriction that anyone currently, or within the last two years, employed by an organization that offers a dental assisting program in Alberta is not eligible for the committee. This reduces potential conflict of interest issues.

GP4.12 Removal from Committee Appointments – Add Complaints About Committee Members section. The new section is consistent with Complaints About Council Members in GP2.3.

GP7.1 Finance – Removed Expenses section. It is replaced with new GP7.1.1.

GP7.1.1 Expenses – Add new policy to replace and formalize the expense guidelines we have been following. This ensures regular review and that Council must approve any changes. It also supports accountability and transparency as anyone can review our policies on our website.

GP7.2 Risk Management – Add cyber liability to the kinds of insurance we carry.

  • increasing the Treatment and Counselling Fund limit to $116,000.00
  • moving $6,000.00 from unrestricted funds into the Treatment and Counselling Fund

The amount in our Treatment and Counselling Fund is based on the Funding for Treatment and Counselling Regulation, which requires that we provide for 100 hours of psychiatric counselling to eligible patients, and Council’s decision that the Fund should be available for up to five patients. For the first time since we set up the Fund, the Schedule for Medical Benefits includes an increase to the hourly fee for psychiatric counselling. The new Fund limit covers 100 hours for five patients at the new hourly fee. Transferring $6,000.00 into the Fund will top it up to the new limit.

  • changes to Registration Policy RP4 Renewal

The changes to RP4 include updating wording to reflect our current Bylaws, and to make the policy clearer and more transparent. The changes also clarify that dental assistants must complete our Patient Relations Learning Module (not just the final exam of the Module) to renew their practice permits, which helps protect Albertans and meets the requirements of the Health Professions Act.

  • changes to Registration Policy RP14 Criminal Record Check

The changes to RP14 include removing the Vulnerable Sector Check from the Criminal Record Check requirement. The changes also reflect that we accept Canadian Criminal Record Checks and that any cost is paid by the applicant.

Increased numbers of applicants are being refused a Vulnerable Sector Check. If they can’t get one, they can’t meet that registration requirement, which creates a barrier to registration. By removing the requirement, we remove the barrier and respond to the needs of the public (access to care), applicants (access to registration), and employers (access to employees).

By requiring a Criminal Record Check and also asking registration applicants for information about Good Character and Reputation, we are working to protect Albertans and meeting the requirements of the Health Professions Act.

  • minutes from the March 4, 2023, Council Meeting


  • Administration to use up to $80,000.00 from the Evaluation and Innovation Fund for the Continuing Competence Program Evaluation

To help us meet goals in our Strategic Plan, we will have an external evaluator review our Continuing Competence Program (CCP). We want to identify what our CCP does well, align CCP documents, and identify gaps and opportunities to improve. Changes will lead to dental assistants being more engaged in the CCP and seeing measurable changes in their practice. Ultimately, this will enhance patient experiences.


  • how cultural safety and humility is important in Council’s work and our College’s work, and continuing the learning journey
  • progress on achieving the Strategic Plan

Participated in

  • financial and governance training
  • a review of our registration function
  • a presentation about the National Dental Assisting Examining Board activities


  • the consent agenda items for filing

These items include a summary of assigned tasks and Council motions; financial statements; information update from Administration; committee meeting notes; IT reporting.

  • recognition from the National Dental Assisting Examining Board

The NDAEB presented the College with a plaque to recognize our support of their commitment to valid and viable national dental assisting examination.


  • the Approved Program Status of the NAIT Dental Assisting Diploma Program, effective July 1, 2023

NAIT will no longer be offering the Dental Assisting Diploma Program. Removing our Approved Status when a program is discontinued is consistent with our Program Approval Policies.

NAIT is now offering a Dental Assisting Certificate Program. Council has granted Provisionally Approved Status to the Certificate Program and NAIT is working toward Approved Status.

Subject to consultation, granted

  • Provisionally Approved Program Status to the University of Alberta Dental Assisting Certificate Program

Council must consult with the Minister of Health and the Minister of Enterprise and Advanced Education and consider their comments before granting the status. Consulting the Ministers and potentially granting Provisionally Approved Status follows the Health Professions Act requirements and our Program Approval Policies.

Current date: October 21, 2024

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