March 2023 Council Meeting Activities

March 6, 2023

At their March 2023 meeting, Council:


  • Chantel Brulotte, registration number 10940, to the Competence Committee for the term ending November 30, 2023


  • a deficit budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year

Council approved a deficit budget for last year (2022-23). However, we expect that the 2022-23 fiscal year will end with a modest surplus. Operating with a deficit budget for the upcoming year will not put the College at risk as we are in a strong financial position. It also means registration fees will stay the same for 2024 (they have been the same since 2016-17).

Council will continue to monitor and analyze the College’s financial position for future budgets.

  • the College’s schedule of fees

There are no changes to our schedule of fees. Council has already approved some, but not all, of those fees. However, in our new Bylaws that took effect December 31, 2022, Bylaw 34 now requires that Council sets all fees. This approval ensures we are following our Bylaws.

  • changes to Governance Policy GP7.1 Finance

The changes to GP7.1 include closing one of two chequing accounts, allowing electronic fund transfers for paying service providers, and only requiring Council signing authority for significant expenses that were not part of the approved budget. Council will continue to approve and monitor expenses through the annual budget and reporting. The changes are consistent with feedback from our Auditors.

  • minutes from the November 26, 2022, Council Meeting


  • the Appointment Committee

The Appointment Committee’s role is to recommend candidates for appointment to Council when there is a vacancy to fill, and to review and give feedback about the process. The Committee members completed their work and Council disbanded the Committee.

Council thanks Jolene Moore, Regulated Member at Large, Ayodele Adediran, Public Member Councillor, and Chelsey Dudley, Regulated Member Councillor, for serving on the inaugural Appointment Committee.


  • measuring performance in regulatory bodies
  • Complaints and Discipline function of our College
  • progress on achieving the Strategic Plan
  • Council performance
  • a plan for evaluating and innovating College programs


  • Approved Course status to the Risio Institute for Digital Dental Education Inc. Advanced Practice of Orthodontics course

Risio Institute’s Dental Assistant Distance Delivery Program holds Approved Program status and is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada. Their Advanced Practice of Orthodontics course meets our requirements for Approved Course status.


  • Kaitlyn Johnston as a Regulated Member Councillor

This was Kaitlyn’s first meeting after joining Council in December.

Between-Meeting Activities

While Council’s activities usually take place during their scheduled meetings, sometimes Council needs to take make decisions between meetings. Often, it is to meet external deadlines.

Between their November 2022 and March 2023 meetings, Council:


  • proposed Bylaws to be effective December 31, 2022

We needed to update our Bylaws because of changes coming to the Health Professions Act. We drafted new Bylaws and circulated them for comment. After considering the feedback we received about the draft Bylaws, Council felt that the people who commented understood and supported the draft Bylaws. Our new Bylaws came into effect on December 31, 2022.

Read this post to learn about the changes in our new Bylaws.

  • draft changes to the Dental Assistants Profession Regulation

As part of the upcoming Bill 46, the Health Statutes Amendment Act 2020, changes, several sections from the Dental Assistants Profession Regulation are being moved into the Health Professions Act, college standards and/or bylaws. The Alberta Government prepared a draft of the updated Dental Assistants Profession Regulation and asked our College to approve it. The Government make the draft Regulation effective when they move the related sections into the Health Professions Act.

  • proposed Continuing Competence Program Policies to be effective January 17, 2023

As part of moving Continuing Competence Program (CCP) requirements into our Standards of Practice, we reviewed our CCP Policies to ensure they support our Standards and are up to date. We drafted new CCP Policies then circulated them for comment. From the feedback we received, Council decided that we didn’t need to make any changes and approved the draft. Our new CCP Policies came into effect on January 17, 2023.

Read this post to learn about the changes in our new CCP Policies.

  • circulating draft Standards of Practice to address female genital mutilation for comment

To meet the Alberta Government’s requirement that all health profession colleges address female genital mutilation (FGM) in their standards, we are proposing to add criteria to our Standards of Practice. The draft criteria prevent dental assistants from performing, offering or facilitating FGM, and require that they report if a health professional is performing, offering or facilitating FGM.

Though the opportunity to comment closed on March 2nd, you can read this post to learn about the changes in our draft Standards of Practice.


  • the September 17, 2022, Bylaws as of December 31, 2022

Council approved new Bylaws that took effect December 31, 2022. They replace the September 17, 2022, Bylaws.

  • the September 12, 2013, Continuing Competence Program Policies as of January 17, 2023

Council approved new Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Policies that took effect January 17, 2023. They replace the September 12, 2013, CCP Policies.

Current date: March 11, 2025

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