Council Appointments for 2024-27 Term

November 5, 2024

After considering the Appointment Committee’s recommendations, Council reappointed Sheri Gervais and appointed Jolene Moore as regulated members of Council for the 2024-27 term.

Sheri Gervais

Sheri has been a Registered Dental Assistant for 35 years, including chairside practice and front end. She has also taught Dental Reception at the Grande Prairie Regional College. Currently, she works in a small private practice as an RDA and front-end administrator.

In the early 2000’s, Sheri served on our Council for two terms. Next, she devoted her time to serving on dance and sport committees for her children. Now that her children are all grown up, Sheri has shifted her focus back to her profession. She is currently serving on Council as the Vice-Chair Finance and Risk Management, and is ready to give it her all for a second term as a College Council member.

On a personal note, Sheri has been married for 35 years and has two grown children. She enjoys travelling, skiing, golfing and a nice glass of wine.

Jolene Moore

Jolene has been involved with the College for most of her dental assisting career. Starting with communications, Jo has participated on several committees, and has also served on Council. She currently chairs the Registration and Competence Committees and will retire from both before her term on Council begins.

Working as a manager at an oral surgery practice, she interacts with regulatory colleges, the Government and Alberta Health, which has expanded her knowledge and experience. Additionally, Jolene has practiced in general dentistry and dental assisting education, and served with the National Dental Assisting Examining Board and the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada. This varied experience will offer a range of perspectives at the Council table.

A deep passion for governance has led her back to Council. She is very excited to be involved again at this level and be part of the work that brings us closer to regulatory excellence.

Merit-Based Appointments

In August, our Registrar & CEO invited Dental Assistants to apply for the two positions available on Council for the 2024-27 term. The call for applications included specific attributes and experiences that would benefit the Council team. We received five applications and followed our merit-based appointment process.

The Registrar & CEO:

  • assessed the applicants to ensure they met eligibility criteria
  • removed identifying information from the three applications that met the criteria
  • provided the anonymized applications to the Appointment Committee

The Appointment Committee included one Public Member of Council, one Regulated Member of Council, and one Regulated Member at large. They:

  • considered the needs identified for a well-rounded Council team
  • reviewed and used a rubric to rate the anonymous applications
  • from the anonymous applications, selected applicants to interview and conducted the interviews
  • recommended two applicants to Council

Council considered the Appointment Committee’s recommendations and decided to appoint Sheri Gervais and Jolene Moore for the 2024-27 term.

Current date: March 28, 2025

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