Since our September 2024 update on Council activities, Council participated in one e-vote and met once in November. Though Council’s activities usually take place during their scheduled meetings, occasionally they need to make decisions between meetings.
These are Council’s activities since our last update:
- Jolene Moore, registration number 8516, to the Council for the December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2027, term
- Carla Clarke, registration number 10764, and Lisa Sled, registration number 7669, to the Competence Committee for the December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025 term
- Megan Lockwood, registration number 8983, and Vinya Surabi, registration number 015737, to the Registration Committee for the December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025 term
- Ayodele Adediran; Chelsey Dudley, registration number 7071; Sheri Gervais, registration number 2829; Genevera Hunt, registration number 7399; Joshua Jackman; Kaitlyn Johnston, registration number 14241; Jolene Moore, registration number 8516; and Wilma Slenders to the Appeals Committee, with Joshua Jackman as Chair, for the December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025 term
- Ayodele Adediran; Chelsey Dudley, registration number 7071; Sheri Gervais, registration number 2829; Genevera Hunt, registration number 7399; Joshua Jackman and Wilma Slenders to the Finance, Risk Management and Audit Committee for the December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025 term
- Ayodele Adediran; Chelsey Dudley, registration number 7071; Sheri Gervais, registration number 2829; Genevera Hunt, registration number 7399; Kaitlyn Johnston, registration number 14241, and Jolene Moore, registration number 8516; to the Governance Committee for the December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025 term
- changing the Registrar & CEO compensation structure from a 7-step grid to a range, adopting the Market Median Base Compensation Range for the Registrar & CEO position, and revising GP6 Council/Registrar & CEO Relationship in the Governance Policies
We engaged a third party to review compensation for the Registrar & CEO position. Following the review, Council asked the Governance Committee to develop an action plan. To address three of the report’s recommendations, Council approved changes in the action plan. They include: changing from a salary grid to a range, adopting the Market Median Base Compensation Range and adding details about compensation for the Registrar & CEO position to GP6. The Governance Committee will be working on addressing other recommendations.
- adjusting the Registrar & CEO’s base compensation
The adjustment aligns the Registrar & CEO’s base compensation with the approved Market Median Base Compensation Range.
- issuing a request for proposals for financial audit services
The current auditors have been serving the College for several years. We will issue a request for proposals to invite the current auditor and other providers to submit proposals. The Finance, Risk Management and Audit Committee will review the proposals. They will recommend an auditor to Council to appoint for the upcoming fiscal year.
- the September 7, 2024, meeting minutes
- Administration to use up to an additional $25,000.00 from the Evaluation and Innovation Fund for costs associated with the Competency Profile Review
The Competence Program Review identified that we need to review the Competency Profile. The Profile review is underway. We assessed the data we have so far and found that we need more information to meet project goals. With the additional funds, we can extend the project to ensure a thorough, effective review.
- Administration to use up to $150,000.00 from the Information Technology Fund for costs associated with the College’s member management system
The College’s database needs upgrades for better user engagement and increased reporting.
- a motion to approve a new delegation policy
The draft policy outlined a structure for the Registrar & CEO to follow when delegating any power, duty or function. It also required that delegations be reviewed at least annually. While Council supported the intent of the draft policy, they decided that delegation would be better addressed in the Registrar & CEO succession plan.
- collaborating with other oral health colleges in Alberta
- progress on achieving the Strategic Plan
- takeaways from the Public Interest Symposium for Oral Health Regulators we hosted in September, and next steps for our College
- Genevera Hunt as Chair for December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025
- Jolene Moore as Vice-Chair Governance and Regulation for December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025
- Sheri Gervais as Vice-Chair Finance and Risk Management for December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025
Participated in
- a presentation about the third-party governance review
- Sheri Gervais, registration number 2829, to the Council for a second term beginning December 1, 2024, and ending November 30, 2027
- Meena Aheer, registration number 5290; Micheline Gagnon-Wardill, registration number 3148; Tamara Parker, registration number 4643; Carmen Sheridan, registration number 10784; and Tara Toner, registration number 5224, to the Registration Committee, with Meena Aheer as chair, for the December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025 term
- Meena Aheer, registration number 5290; Nicole Bartindale, registration number 8137; Chantelle Brulotte, registration number 10940; Tamara Parker, registration number 4643; and Tara Toner, registration number 5224; to the Competence Committee with Meena Aheer as chair, for the December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025 term
- the consent agenda items for filing
These items include financial statements, committee meeting notes, an update on third-party reviews of College programs, an update on use of reserve funds, a summary of Council motions, information update from Administration and feedback from the Appointment Committee about the appointment process.
- the Governance Committee with developing tools for Council use when identifying assets individuals require for serving in each officer position (Council Chair and Vice-Chairs) and measuring the officers’ performance
- the Registrar & CEO with drafting a Registrar & CEO succession plan
Having a current succession plan in place aligns with our risk management strategies. It prepares Council to respond to planned departures and the unexpected. Council asked that the plan include tracking and reporting of delegations.