Dental Assistants' Professional Conduct

We support your professional practice by offering you guidance about practice requirements and standards. This is part of how we work together with you to ensure your conduct is professional and you are providing safe, competent care to your patients.

When someone has a concern about a dental assistant’s conduct or care, we follow the Health Professions Act (HPA) to guide how we respond. The HPA defines unprofessional conduct in section 1(1)(pp). In Part 4: Professional Conduct, it sets out rules for colleges to follow for receiving and responding to complaints about unprofessional conduct.

Dental assistants can look to the HPA, Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics to guide how they respond if a complaint is made about them.

Read When a Complaint Is Made to learn about the kinds of things that can lead to a complaint and what happens next.

When you’re looking for guidance about your practice, we’re here to help. Please reach out with your questions and we will help you with the resources you need to make an informed decision.