Council Activities – September 2024 Update

September 9, 2024

Since our August 2024 update on Council activities, Council participated in one e-vote and met once in September. Though Council’s activities usually take place during their regularly scheduled meetings, occasionally they need to make decisions between meetings.

These are Council’s activities since our last update:


Council identified and approved changes to the 2023-24 Annual Report.

  • changes to Program Approval Policy PAP6 Approval of Advanced Practice Education Courses

The Policy’s Advanced Practice course approval requirements indicated that the course be delivered as part of an accredited program, or as a continuing education course delivered by an accredited program. Council approved expanding the Advanced Practice course approval requirements to include delivery by a CADA-approved program.

Council considered several key factors. First, new programs go through our program approval process before they receive accreditation. Second, new programs applying for program approval can choose to include advanced practice curriculum and the Program Approval Committee will include it in their review. Finally, the change brings the Policy in line with the Committee’s process.

  • changes to the Registration Policies

Expected outcomes have been added to individual policies that didn’t already have them.

RP2 Provisional Registration changes include removing an obsolete reference to the Dental Assistants Profession Regulation; adding current practice to the list of indicators; adding intra-oral upgrading as an alternative to the National Dental Assisting Examining Board Clinical Practice Evaluation requirement; and rewording for clarity and consistency.

RP2.1 Provisional Register to General Register Transfer changes include listing outstanding registration requirements; and rewording for clarity and consistency.

RP3 Courtesy Registration changes include removing an obsolete reference to the Dental Assistants Profession Regulation; and rewording for clarity and consistency.

RP7 Advanced Practice Authorization changes include replacing “slow” with “low” when referring to the speed of a rotary handpiece to align with current terminology.

RP9 Leave of Absence Membership changes include removing indicators about eligibility to apply for Leave of Absence status to align with Council’s previous decision to no longer accept new applications; and rewording for clarity and consistency.

RP10 Student Membership changes include adding reasons for cancellation and removing an obsolete reference to the Bylaws.

RP11 Membership Reviews is rescinded to align with our Bylaws which no longer allow for this type of membership.

RP12 Reviews changes include updating pronouns to reflect more inclusive language.

RP12.1 Decisions and Timelines and RP13 Good Character and Reputation changes include removing reference to “vulnerable sector check” to align with RP14 Criminal Record Check; and rewording for clarity and consistency.

  • a new English Language Proficiency Registration Policy

English language proficiency is a new registration requirement. Adding it will help assure patients that dental assistants can communicate with them in Alberta’s primary language. It will also support effective communication between our College and dental assistants, and their ability to understand the documents that guide their practice.

  • the August 20, 2024, meeting minutes


  • Administration to use up to $125,000.00 from the Evaluation and Innovation Fund for costs associated with implementing recommendations from the Communications Review

Acting on recommendations from the Communications Review will update and diversify our tools and resources, leading to more engaging and accessible communications.

Called for

  • letters of intent for officer positions

The Officers of Council include the Chair, Vice-Chair Governance and Regulation, and Vice-Chair Finance and Risk Management. Each year, Council fills these positions by electing eligible Council Members. The letters will be considered and an election take place at Council’s November 2024 meeting.


  • preventing and addressing conflict of interest
  • progress on achieving the Strategic Plan
  • an update on third-party reviews of College programs
  • the status of revisions to Standard of Practice 3

Participated in

  • a presentation about an update on the compensation report


  • the consent agenda items for filing

These items include corporate insurance information, a report from IT support on the test results for backup systems, information update from Administration, and notice of revised certification process from the National Dental Assisting Examining Board.


  • Council, committee and roster members to complete workplace culture and wellbeing training

This requirement demonstrates Council’s commitment to ensuring the College of Alberta Dental Assistants is an organization that supports mental health and is free of bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination. The training will build on and refresh prior respect in the workplace learning. College staff also participate in the training.


  • the Governance Committee with developing an action plan regarding the compensation report

Current date: February 13, 2025

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