Common COVID-19 Practice Guidelines

July 29, 2020

Our College, the Alberta Dental Association and College (ADA&C) and the College of Registered Dental Hygienists of Alberta (CRDHA) have developed Dental Practice Guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic (the “Guidelines”).

The Guidelines are designed for use in the dental practice environment by oral health care providers (OHCP) who are regulated members of our College, the ADA&C and CDRHA. The information in the Guidelines is based on reducing the risk of spreading infection. In the Guidelines you will find:

  • staff preparation including Occupational Health and Safety; employment considerations; screening; contact tracing; hand hygiene
  • dental practice preparation including reception and waiting area; clinical and staff areas; receiving deliveries
  • clinical practices and protocols including point-of-care risk assessment; aerosol generating procedures; PPE
  • before the appointment including determining COVID-19 risk; COVID-19 risk level; vulnerable patients
  • during the appointment
  • after the appointment including record keeping; enhanced cleaning and disinfection; going home after a workday; emergent vs. urgent vs. non-urgent care
  • resources including patient screening form; Alberta dental relaunch checklist

The Colleges worked together so that dental assistants, dentists and dental hygienists all have consistent information and expectations.

Dental Practice Guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic replaces these documents:

  • our COVID-19 Return to Non-essential Practice,
  • ADA&C’s Expectations and Pathway for Patient Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • CRDHA’s COVID-19 Return to Work Guidelines for Dental Hygienists

We expect dental assistants to review, stay informed about and follow Dental Practice Guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic. It will be updated as the pandemic evolves and as new information becomes available.

Current date: February 13, 2025

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